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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем Falqo

  1. Yes they change destroyer on purpose, however destroyers are exactly the same like on any interlude except they need little bit more time to kill train because ammount of mobs is lowered its not 4 targets fixed, it is more like you can hit 10-11 targets(on zealot,frenzy)

    You can try out only rage trains and see if that works for you, also buffs do matter when training you need all vamp buffs on low lvls

    I can tell you we made subs destros fully buffed no problem training like 5-6 rooms in cata untill 70 and then whole necro spot including bugs with 2 destros on fr+zealot. (most of the time i hit 10~ targets) there is basiclly no limitations how much you can handle its just how much time you have on d/s to pull enough and kill them.

    On start i died few times you need to figure out correct position and try out rage train (if you dont have cov,vamp dance)

    There is good feature on server with w+right click really easy to position urself.



    You hit only 3-4 targets on zeal/fr but mobs die that fast u cant notice.

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