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Look I am a Pickle

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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем Look I am a Pickle

  1. Добрый день!
    Тот сервер, который "New season 2710 x1" - это наш новый сезонный сервер, который откроется 27 октября(27.10). На данный момент вы можете провести регистрацию на Eternal сервере, дабы ознакомиться с игрой, нововведениями и так далее.
    Спасибо что выбираете нас 🥰

  2. Greetings!
    First of all we really appreciate that you chose our server to play, thats heartwarming 🥰. And for your very informative comment, thats also helps us to make game better for you and everyone! Thank you!
    Olympiad on our server is a very complex system, where we make alot of work and tried our best in balancing players in "leagues".
    I'll try to explain. 
    First of all - today was the first day of olympiad. Everyone have their 30 points to start with(note, and previous heros also, who have insane amount of experience and gear). If i would try to explain first day of oly - i'd chose word "bloodbath", where everyone ready to fight with everyone. And, you know well, not every class is good enough against others(for example: bards, tyrr's, tanks etc have significantly more power in comparasion to Archers, healers, etc(you get the point). And thats the obvious balance side(where one class is good at something but not in other stuff).
    Similar to that we can tell about gear. Not everyone have valakas neck, +10 sets and etc., but those people make ALOT of effort to make this happen and that gear to appear\enchant(we look on online and level on competition).
    What i can recommend? Wait till "big bois" move to their 300+pts league and after you will have significantly more chance to challenge similar opponent(common sense).

    What about stucking in arena's? Sorry to hear that, we make alot of work to make a game as smooth and pleasant as possible, but rough sides(such as stuck's on arena's and etc) can happen(i hope its like 1x1kk chance, but there is a chance anyway). If you can record some of that  - we will be glad to see and try to fix as soon as possible! ☺️

    Whats about for all people who want to try ther best on oly but dont want to be SMASHED by big bois? We will have update soon, stay tuned :bongoTap:

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