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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем BEATNGU

  1. Totally agree with Miar, I've been very active during the peak of the server. Now I have not logged for 4 days (logging only to chat with people while waiting for new server to open but this was expected - this happened on every server i played for the last 5-6 years). Yes it is sad but true - the days of servers who lasted for 3-4-5 years are long gone. Servers nowadays last around 1-3 months. I am sorry that this happened to this server too. This is what happens when top cps/clans leave because of getting bored from things like no content, no competition and so on. I will definitely keep following the thread because our GMs might pull out some trick from the hat to revive the server but in my opinion with the current state there is no point of playing on it due to the following issues:

    1. No content for fully geared people

    2. The mass pvp balance is constantly breaking in one direction or another due to people leaving and not enough new players

    3. The Olympiad is broken due to point 2

    4. The regular pvp is hard to find (4vs4-9vs9 because people are only logging for oly or epics or w/e) I guess this is due to point 1.

    all 4 reasons come from the fact that 90% who received A\S equipment and 78+lvl, just use 3rd PO(bot) 24\7... normal ppl who play own hands with 2-3 window, now have only 70+ lvl

  2. Здравствуйте. Не только на 70+ 2 локации, а в каждом квесте доступны по 2 локации.

    Ну так сделайте пожалуйста хотя бы по 4 локи, было бы очень хорошо. Так как нет желания идти магом на ферму, а ФОД неудобная лока из-за рельефа.

  3. Работает ли кнопка "Bot report button" ?

    Когда будет исправлен баг с засевом манора? На скорость посева должен влиять параметр скорость атаки персонажа. А на данный момент это не так.

    Что с локацией Archaic Laboratory, там 54-52 х4 уровней големы сами по себе восстанавливают фулл хп. Это такая механика локи? Или баг?

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