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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от Skacowany в BornToBeBad lf Mag/Archer CP   
  2. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Skacowany в BornToBeBad lf Mag/Archer CP   
  3. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от SAHONYA07 в BornToBeBad lf Mag/Archer CP   
  4. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Betty в Averia x25 launch on 15th April 2016! 19:00 (GMT +3)   
    April PVP server x25 by Averia.ws team.
    We guarantee successful start, the highest online community, and technical stability of the project! And of course cute girls this spring!

    Opening of Averia x25 means the hugest online community. The best players of Russia and Europe explore the worlds of Lineage with us. Our gamers NEVER experience any wipes or reloads, our server launch sticks to the deadlines announced. Our tech support successfully prevents all DDos attacks.
    To avert all DDoS attacks, we do not buy DDos filters. The players are proportionally categorized into cluster on the server side, making the system virtually immune to all DDos and other malicious attempts. Also, a large number of proxy servers around the world it is low ping for our players.

    Server concept in a nutshell:
    April x25 is a high-quality PvP-craft server, which will unite the PvP fighters with the pacifists, who peacefully craft items and trade them. The new system of offline buffers and amulets was introduced. New currency, given to the players for their active participation in the combats will be introduced soon. It will give nice opportunities who the most inveterate opponents of the “donation” system. Achieving high results without real money investing will be possible.
    Every player can become successful on Averia.
    We never intended to assemble all Lineage female players on our server. However, new costumes, pets, faces and haircuts attracted many charming girls. They made their choice and play now with Averia.
    Not a single project enjoys such an audience, which makes the game atmosphere more enchanting.
    Our project is a good opportunity to find a dream girl!

    [spoiler=A little bit naked]

    We have established a reputation of the biggest and most successful server of 2013-2016!
    We successfully demonstrated that successful technical support, regular updates, hundreds of events and contest, as well as active advertising and high online even a year after the project was launch mark our painstaking efforts.
    We install new upgrades new updates, debug the problems and make the project ideal every day. Making your winter adventures interesting is our top mission.
    This means that you can relax in the winter evenings, with your good friends.

    Download the game|Download updater|Download patch Server opening 15th April 2016, 19:00 (+3 GMT)

    The main project rates:
    Exp: x25
    SP: x25
    Adena: x15
    Drop: Chance x5; Ammount х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Ammount х5
    Quest Reward: x3
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x5
    RaidBoss: х2

    [spoiler=A little bit naked again]

    [spoiler=Project commands]
    [spoiler=Project commands]
    .auto - Automatic СР / HР / МР potion use (you can set % ingame);
    .7RB - Will show what kind of Bosses you have killed;
    .arena - Teleportation for PvP-arena, you're able to earn Avers for PvP wins;
    .talisman - Combine all same talismans into one talisman;
    .ncrelog - To clean your game cache, without leaving a group/instance/game it self;
    .attribute - Automatic attribution (made for lazy player);
    .bot - Target the suspected player, and write .bot voice command, this player will be checked by our bot hunter team, that works most of the day;
    .augment - Automatic augmentation for Jewels & Weapons;
    .cfg- Character menu, able to change language/chat filter/buff animations on-off/offline buff store/shop and more functions;
    .premium - Check premium status of your current group (this way you can check if anyone from your group is not an premium member);
    .whoami - Detailed information about your character;
    .offline - Offline trade (Free);
    .clan - Delegate Clan warehouse privilegs to another clan member;
    .skill - Learn skills without being next to NPC;
    [spoiler=Where to find the FAQ?]The main FAQ is here http://forum.averia.ws/forums/faq.141/
    [spoiler=Can I vote for the server before the start?]Yes, from 1st April onwards. Bonuses are 300 Averinkas + Attribute Crystals / Enchants. 100% you will receive them, so dont worry about it!:p
    [spoiler=What will not be available in the shop?]Epic jewels, armor/weapon of Elegia
    [spoiler=What will be available in the shop?]A standard things for PvP projects: armor, weapon, jewels up till s80, accessories, cloaks (give an extra 50% limit weight), agations, Pets(eternal), SP/EXP runes, consumables (Mana potions 1200, cooldown 15 seconds), hairstyles.
    [spoiler=Will buffs be available in Alt+B?]Yes, 1 hour.
    [spoiler=When Open Beta will be launched?]Open Beta launch will be on 9th April, 19:00 (+3 GMT)
    [spoiler=Offline-trade?]Yes, from 40 level onwards
    [spoiler=Trade zone]Will be located in Gludin, Gludin zone is without taxes. Other zones will have 10% of total item prize, that is sold by player.
    [spoiler=Is it possible to buy avers before the start?]Yes, this option is mostly recommended, because during the start the payment system is most likely to be overloaded with many requests. 1$ = 70~ Avers http://forum.averia.ws/threads/how-to-getting-avers.47175/
    [spoiler=Is premium account available?]Yes. The prices are the following: 1 day – 40 avers/ 3 days – 80 avers/ 7 days – 130 avers/ 14 days – 250 avers/ 30 days – 380 avers/ 60 days – 500.
    Premium account is computed as the average of the group. If one member has PA and second does not have it, each of them receives +25% of experience (instead of 50% given by the premium account).
    [spoiler=Premium account bonuses]
    Exp +40%
    SP +40%
    Adena +40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +40%
    Carrying capacity increase +30%
    Drop epaulettes increase +50%
    Successful crafting chances increased on +12% (if a dwarf crafting an item for you has PA or you have PA the chances are 12% increased. If the both players have 12%, the chances remain 12%).
    Rare item craft chances increase on +30% (Standard – 3%, for PA owners – 4%)

    [spoiler=Are there any events on the server?]Standard: TvT/CTF/Last Hero/Fighting club/The Pirates of Averia/collection of bouqets on Averia/ farm – growing pumpkins/ medals collecting/ New Year Fests/ The Casket of Averia/Treasures in the undergrounds of Averia/Coffer of Shadow/ The Magic Tree/Averia Points
    [spoiler=Is automatic learning of the skills available?]Yes, for all skills except those, learned from the books
    [spoiler=Champion monsters?]Until level 80.
    [spoiler=First Sieges?]24 April 2016
    [spoiler=First Territory Wars?]7 May 2016
    [spoiler=Is it possible to buy a profession?]
    1 profession costs 40 avers, 350 000 adens or a quest
    2 professions cost 100 avers, 2 000 000 adens or a quest
    3 professions cost 170 avers or 50 000 000 adens or a quest
    [spoiler=Sub-class/noblesse ?]
    Sub-class costs 250 avers or 100 000 000 adens. Can be achieved by completing a quest. For you not to commit any mistakes while completing it, a special bonus is available ;)
    Noblesse costs 300 avers or quest.
    [spoiler=Olympiad games?]Olympiad games will begin on 15 April, hero calculation is made every 2 weeks. Hero period every 1st and 15th of month
    [spoiler=Bonuses to the clans, coming from other servers?]There are no such bonuses
    [spoiler=What are the methods to purchase avers:]All information is available here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/donations.43342/

    [spoiler=How regularly the updates are released:]Updates are made on 1st and 15th every month.
    [spoiler=What is minimum requirement for chat?]From the 20th level onwards
    [spoiler=How many slots are available for buff/dance/ songs?]24/12
    [spoiler=Are there any chances of crafting a rare item?]Yes, 3% chance and 4% for the owners of premium accounts
    [spoiler=What is the maximum level for a sub-class?]Maximum lvl for a sub-class is 80
    [spoiler=When the items auction will be launched:]From 1st May, 2016
    [spoiler=Is auto loot available]Yes
    [spoiler=Are any vitamin pets available?]Yes, the price is between 250-350 avers. They are everlasting, but can’t be transferred (even through the Vitamin manager).
    [spoiler=Is hellbound available from the start?]Yes
    [spoiler=What are the penalties for real money trading and banned software use?]
    All violators of the receive are immediately banned through HWID and all their accounts become immediately blocked. For those, who used a clicker for one character only and sincerely repented we can de-block an account for 500 avers. Adena is fully removed.
    [spoiler=What is the limit for windows?]No limits
    [spoiler=Any possibility to make money in the game?]Yes, all raids, till level 40 drop Avers. Also Avers is possible to get from PvP arena, special raidboss. To get there, type in voice command .arena
    [spoiler=Macros and shots lag?]Yes, it will works there
    [spoiler=Raid Boss respawn time]
    AntQueen – from 30 to 32 hours
    Core - 50 to 52 hours
    Orfen - 28 to 48 hours
    Death Lord Hallate - 12 to 14 hours
    Longhorn Golkondan - 12 to 14 hours
    Kernonn - 12 to 14 hours
    Shilens Messenger Cabrio - 12 to 14 hours
    Flame of Splendor Barakiel - 12 to 14 hours
    Baium - 5 days, interval for spawn 21:00 to 23:00 GTM+3
    Antaras - 8 days, interval for spawn 21:00 to 23:00 GTM+3
    Valakas - 11 days, interval for spawn 21:00 to 23:00 GTM+3
    Beleth - 8 days
    Darion - 12 to 24 hours

    [spoiler=Without mikey]

    Useful information about Averia x25:

    We're counting our selves a top server with most female players/staff members in RU community;
    SMS binding, your Master and game account is for free;
    PVP Arena - defeat your enemies;
    Dragon Pet for everyone;
    Automatic Attribution;
    Automatic Augmentation;
    Upgrading Costumes;
    Developed Ctrl+C / Ctrl + V option;
    Developed Anti-scam function;
    New icons for Talismans;
    New system of Amulets;
    System to upgrade Amulets;
    Added new face / hair styles;
    Added new pets;
    If you decide to remove PvP option from item, 50% fame is returned to your character
    Developed system "Academy"
    Clan dismissal/leave penalty - 12 hours;
    Leaving from academy - has no penalty;
    Each territory war, all flags will be returned to their original castles;
    Cost of skill enchant has been increased by x3 (Adena/SP);
    Hero period every 1st and 15th of month. Olympiad period - 2 weeks. Olympiad will begin on 15 April, 1st heroes 1st May;
    Dance/song - 3 minutes (from blade danser and swordsinger);
    Premium status works on each server separately;
    Vitamin pets are permanent;
    Voice command .km-all-to-me DISABLED;
    Items from 7RB is given to group, that made last hit;
    Enchant chance is OFF-like;
    Champion mobs are until level 80;
    Destruction Raids are disabled;
    Once server is launched, BAIUM/ANTHARAS/VALAKAS are DEAD;
    Scamming players - Account block;
    Flaming, insulting or being a wreck on forums, may result your account to be blocked;
    It's NOT allowed to trade between servers, inculding averia servers & our competitors;
    it's NOT allowed to trade items between players outside of Averia "for example: trade items for dota 2";
    It's NOT allowed to trade/sell castles / clan halls & Clans;
    It's NOT allowed to offer driver services (searching for driversis allowed);
    Participation in events/contests/casino/roulettes're having players - you accept at your own risk. Administration declines all responsibilities. We wont be helping in return lost money or other game items, if you participated in such events;
    Averia client working on Windows 10.
    New useful features

    UPD from 25 March: Are corrected server rates / Adjusted bonuses Premium account
    UPD from 30 March: Limit for Boxes(windows) is 4
    UPD from 31 March: Due to the limit of the boxes, the Averia Trophies will not be implemented for X25

  5. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию rDN в Untage Ps кунем беранерт бозер:)   
    i know im joking , relax .
    i remember that on tales was ur epic trio dafaq you and achylek

  6. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Skacowany в Untage Ps кунем беранерт бозер:)   
  7. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Skacowany в Untage Ps кунем беранерт бозер:)   
    u dont say :rolleyes::rolleyes: :D
  8. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от Skacowany в Untage Ps кунем беранерт бозер:)   
    ап GL
  9. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Tigar в vs [HOT] group   
  10. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от Tigar в madafaker cp lf mm/sorc   
    UP! Kurwa Pack with Bomobita Skaco <3
  11. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от Skacowany в madafaker cp lf mm/sorc   
    UP! Kurwa Pack with Bomobita Skaco <3
  12. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Skacowany в madafaker cp lf mm/sorc   
    up top curva pack
  13. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Betty в The results of the contest "Share with friends & receive Premium Account"   
    Hello, Averians! Contest is over and the server starting is very close, it's time to take stock. 30 random winners that was chosen by a random generator will receive Premium Account for 2 weeks on any our server.
    Random numbers:



    I'm or @automatic will write a personal message to winners, also you can write us by yourself. You have to write server and login of your game account.
    Premium account will be given when ALL participants will provide us the necessary information!
    All participants will receive 20 Avers on their forum account during the day.
    Thank your for participation. We wish you a successful start!

  14. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Betty в Averia on Facebook   
    Dear friends!
    Everybody knows, that you can follow the news in ourcommunity on Facebook!
    All news will be write in English and will be made for our international players.
    Right now our goal is get 2000+ Likes
    Take a screenshot, post in this thread, and you will get Likes and reputation from our team.
    [spoiler=For example]

  15. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Betty в Get 5-year Premium Account!   
    Hello, friends!
    We hasten to please you with the opportunity to get 5-year Premium Account on x55 server!

    The first player who reaches 85 level in his profession on x55 gets 5-year Premium Account.
    Premium Account will be given only on x55 server and will function only there.
    The winners will be determined automatically, therefore all calculating errors are excluded.

  16. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию YesMyLord в 2 друга ищут КП   
    Всем привет.
    Короче, 2 друга с Германии ищут КП, подтсроятся под любой прайм. Играют нормально, базарят по англ, опыт игры в русском КП тоже есть.
    1 играет нормально за ДА, биша и нюкерами.
    Второй за СВСа, ДА и нюкерами.
    Скайп одного из них - jerffeson.crystiano
    (Там есть фрапсы с другого сервера, если нельзя такое выкладывать и тд то удалите.)
    [spoiler=Фрапсы с других серверов.]

    [spoiler=Фрапсы с Аверии.]

  17. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Enchantress в 2 Friend high experienced player LF agood int PT   
    Here you can see some reference how we like to play ,we like to make PVE but also... PVP gvgs,etc that is a part of game i am able to play as Cardinal,HK or any DD my friend also can play any class there at down i will leave some fraps you can see how skilled we are and about our style of the game also.

    here my Skype =je.fer.son2006@
    just interesting to a skilled pt.. nothing else.thx
  18. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию BoH в Оп не любитель - Оп Победитель   
    Ну че здаров пачаны,Коротко о нас, играем 8 лет на интерлюдах, можно сказать самый известный клан на иле - который знает даже твой младший брат.
    Хотим отдохнуть от ила немного,попробовать что то новенькое, но сразу скажу,не планируем крабить мобов и тд, онли пвп, то есть будем ходить на все эпики и всю движ, естественно будем терпеть первое время, но сидеть в городе не любим.
    Костяк Клана 9 КП,собственно ими и ворвемся сюда.
    Что по донабору? Нужны онли люди с хф,которые шарят в этих хрониках,знаю что паки здесь 90% любят фармить, а не фаниться, такие люди меня не интересуют,паки которые не держат 9ку на всех клановых сборах осадах/эпиках и тд, тоже не интересны.
    Так же нужен человек, что то типо зама клана(на хф) который шарит в хронах и первое время меня раздюплит в этом деле,чтоб не было фейлов.
    Так же по поводу кланов,я не знаю что здесь за кланы,что они могут/какие составы и тд, поэтому я узнаю сколько пачек у вар тагов, и будем делать столько же.
    Не буду говорить громких слов,что будем ногебать всех со старту и тд, так как этого 100% не будет, это можно сказать тестовый сервер, на котором мы будем полностью тестить хроники, ну естественно будем ходить на эпики и тд.
    Паки которые хотят увидеть адекватный и хороший контроль, попробовать что нибудь новенькое, и помочь мне нагнуть данные кланы которые играют здесь, писать мне в аську/скайп/вк - связь ниже
    Полностью любая связь со мной skype - sportsmenjeka/ ICQ 616310303 / vk -https://vk.com/jekaboh / Паблик нашего клана,там где очень много фрапсов и тд https://vk.com/opclan
    Так как на хф мы не разу не играли и нас не кто не знает, чтоб не задавать глупых вопросов, гугл/ютуб для вас( клан оп/опы/опклан)
    Сидим онли в вентриле
    Вот мувик с ила, где в 70 человек убиваем 150, остальное можно глянуть в паблике)

    Че хейтерки в бой, ваше время настало.
  19. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Olatte в Happy New Year   
  20. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от Olatte в Happy New Year   
    Happy New Year )
  21. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Olatte в Happy New Year   
    Hi guys! I know it's time New Year holidays. Let's talk how we celebrated New Year and Christmas!

  22. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию AllForOne в 2 Friends looking for CP   
  23. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Betty в How to Train your Dragon   
    Each player who is joining Averia servers will have small egg in their inventory, consider your self as an Dragon master, you have to take care of him, hug, kiss, feed and grow, because he's an companion that will defend you from any kind of danger, other words : He's your personal support. I will write an guide what he does and what benefits he will bring to your character.
    Your pet will use skills automatically, when it's needed!
    Once you created an character, you will receive Small Egg. this cannot be traded, sold or droped, at ALT+B there is tab called "Events" you can find button "My Dragon" where you can evolve your pet.
    [spoiler=My Dragon]

    After you clicked on "My Dragon" tab, you will see this window:
    [spoiler=Dragon room]

    Before you get pet, it's important that you take care of egg, for doing that you need:
    - Small Egg
    - 3 x dragon souls 1st level
    eventually you will receive Large Egg. You can trade this item between charaters.
    Beginning has already been made, pretty soon your egg with hatch. But if you did not take care of egg, there is a chance he will die. :(
    Large egg can be opened by double clicking on it. if you where a good parent , you will receive your own pet at 1st phase.
    Bracelet - Baby valakas 1st level. If your egg did not receive love and care you will receive Broken egg, you can exchange broken egg for new small egg, and you can try again to raise him.
    [spoiler=Exchange Broken Egg for Small egg]

    To make that exchange you need:

    Broken Egg
    99.999 Аdena

    To upgrade your pet to 2nd level you need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 1st level
    50 x Dragon souls 1st level
    38 x Avers

    After upgrade you will receive Bracelet - Small valakas 2nd level, you will be able to summon small valakas that learned some special abilities to help you amoung your path.
    Important notice: Pet skills that dont show the level of it, are always max level.
    [spoiler=Small Valakas Level 2 skills]
    Buffs for mage:
    Buffs for fighters:
    To upgrade your pet 3rd level you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 2nd level
    150 x Dragon souls 1st level
    57 x Avers

    After upgrading you will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 3rd level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 3rd level]
    Buffs for Mage:
    Buffs for Fighters:
    To upgrade your pet 4th level you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 3rd level
    300 x Dragon Souls 1st level
    10 x Fallen Warriors blood
    144 x Avers

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 4th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 4th level]
    Buffs for Mages: (lvl 1)
    Buffs fr Fighters: (lvl 1)
    To upgrade your pet to 5th level, you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 4th level
    5 x Dragon souls 2nd level
    25 x Fallen Warriors blood
    100 x Lava stones
    10 x Fire Crystal
    222 x Avers

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 5th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 5th level]
    Buff for mages: (lvl 1) (lvl 2)
    Buff for fighters: (lvl 1) (lvl 2)
    The player will get 3 Self-buffs in to the active skills:
    - Blessing of Queen (Level 1)
    - Gift of Queen (Level 1)
    - Gift of Seraphim (Level 1)
    To upgrade your pet to 6th level, you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 5th level
    15 x Dragon souls 2nd level
    50 x Fallen Warriors Blood
    250 x Lava stones
    20 x Fire crystals
    279 x Aver
    400.000.000 Adena

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 6th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 6th level]
    Buffs for Mages: (lvl 13) (lvl 3)
    Buffs for Fighters: (lvl 13) (lvl 3)
    The player will get 3 Self-buffs in to the active skills:
    - Blessing of Queen (Level 3)
    - Gift of Queen (Level 3)
    - Gift of Seraphim (Level 3)
    To upgrade your pet to 7th level, you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 6th level
    1 x Dragon soul 3rd level.
    100 x Fallen Warriors Blood.
    300 x Lava stones
    30 x Fire crystals
    334 x Avers
    800.000.000 Adena

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 7th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 7th level]
    Buff for mages: (lvl 6) (lvl 13) (lvl 4) (CD 30m) (CD 2h)
    Buff for fighters: (lvl 6) (lvl 13) (lvl 4) (CD 30m) (CD 2h)
    The player will get 3 Self-buffs in to the active skills:
    - Blessing of Queen (Level 13)
    - Gift of Queen (Level 13)
    - Gift of Seraphim (Level 13)
    At each level your dragon will become more powerful, but even then your pet cannot attack anyone, he can only support you.
    Here's how your pet will look like at each stage:


    Dragon soul 1st level - Can be received from any monster in Lineage II. (Chance: < 100%, item count: 1)
    Dragon soul 2nd level. - Can be received from all Raids in Lineage II. (Chance: 100%, item count: 1)
    Dragon soul 3rd level. - Can be received from killing Antharas or Valakas. (Chance: 100%, item count: 3)
    Fallen Warriors Blood. - Can be received from killing another player in PvP. (Chance: < 100%, Item count: 1)

    Fame boost - Passive skill. Active only when pet is in your inventory and has 4 levels. Each level has increased increases received fame points on 30/40/50/60%.
    UPD 22.09.2016
    - Buffs Blessing of Queen, Gift of Queen, Gift of Seraphim were moved to the pet interface. Now these buffs can be used only when pet is alive and summoned. Buff can be used only on the owner.
  24. Like
    iKirsten изменил репутацию Betty в 2 Friends looking for CP   
    Hello :-)
    It's nice to see you here!
    Have a nice game on Averia.ws
  25. Like
    iKirsten получил репутацию от Betty в 2 Friends looking for CP   
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