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Найдено 11 результатов

  1. Проблема заключается в том, что при наличии Premium аккаунта и Vitality руны, уровень Виталити не должен опускаться ниже 2. По факту же уровень Виталити снижается. Скриншоты прилагаю.

    Critical Chance - ability

    From Pmfun: Critical Chance 1% chance to increase Crit.Rate when attacking +30% Crit.Rate for 15 seconds I just got this skill from subclass and realized it only increases the crit rate by +28 flat rate instead of +30%. Can someone explain why it's only 28? Or fix it if it's a bug. Critical Rate (passive) gives +30 flat rate, so it better than the trigger. This is not right. Thanks
  3. Nerothu

    Skill bar bug

    Hello, I can't assign skills or items on the skill bar. I tried restarting and updating the game, but it doesn't help.
  4. Если покупать руну +50% и +150% к лимиту веса, то можно иметь 20-45% веса и в систем чате (внизу справа) пишет, что нельзя сменить саб класс с перевесом, хотя до 50% должно пускать сменить саб. Кстати, было бы приятно, если они стакались, тоесть 3 вещи +150% было +450%, а не +150% (только однаработает).
  5. N0VA

    Нашел Баг!

    Суть бага в том что если на дагерщике ПВ или АВ висит Elemental Protection ( Баф пп 3 профы на резисты ) то когда дагер дает скил Bliding blow он снимает баф от Elemental Protection с ножа... Пожалуйста почините данную проблему... Даю ссылки на скилы с базы Linedia https://linedia.ru/wiki/Blinding_Blow_(321) https://linedia.ru/wiki/Elemental_Protection_(1352)
  6. sweetpotatoes


    Hi,for the last 2 days i've been getting constant crashes. I've pinpointed a crash on spellsinger : i use Solar Flare and when it reaches around 25% on the casting bar my game goes into Not Responding mode and doesn't go back. It's to be noted that i was getting crashes on Cardinal too on TOI 13,by just being there. Same type of crashes. And it seems more people were getting crashes,as people were saying in ally chat "half my pt gets not responding" .It got to the point where i would login and i didn't have time to BSOE that i'd get crash . It might be something with the new update,as 2 people who haven't updated were not getting any crashes,but i was getting .
  7. Skersinis1990

    Bugg with system?

    Hello. i have problem when im login i make login pasword and cant press enter just with mouse . and i cant delete letters in game or enter if i whritte something . maby have info about this ?(And im not first with this problem) i make full check fast check all i make .
  8. To Admins, I don't know were the correct part of the forum is for bugs. If this isn't it please move it. I got the Wooden Breastplate and Gaiters as full drop items however when I try to sell it to the NPC nothing happens. I can sell other things (like recipes) from my inventory and it works. I think it might be related to the event that you currently have? I tried to sell it to the NPC "Nika" in the Kamael Grocery Store.
  9. FleshCut

    Big boom golem problems

    Hi, guys, I was wondering how come big boom golems do not work as they supposed to? Is it a gracia final issue or a simple bug? Ty for the answers in advance:)
  10. People of x7 interlude server is talking about the herbs is not dropping, GM plz solve this for us, |THX
  11. Emilian

    Missing E-Coins

    Hi. I have donated 10 euro yesterday for 100 e-coins. I received 5 E-Coins bonus. I had a total of 105 E-Coins I then made a shop to sell them among other items such as : Karmian upper, Dc gloves rec. I had 3kk aprox at the time I started the shop. I sold karmian upper and Dc gloves rec and raised an amount of 8.8kk. The shop was not offline, I just went afk. I returned to find all shop items had been bought. The karmian upper I asked 1kk for, and the dc gloves rec 4.8kk. I placed 425k value on E-Coin, and selected 80 coins to sell. I had planned to have 25 coins left which I did not want to sell. When I checked my inventory , I had total of 8.8kk ,and all 105 E-Coins missing. (those meant to be sold AND those that I meant to keep.) 3kk (my original amount) + 1kk (karmian upper) +4.8kk (dc gloves rec) = 8.8kk I did not notice at the moment ,but when I looked for my coins, they were nowhere to be found. I re loged in, hoping it was just an ordinary item bug, but they disappeared for good. I thought that I may have placed them at 40k by mistake ,instead of 400k, but I would have still raised aprox 4 kk extra if the missing coins were in fact sold for 40k. Then I would have had at least 12kk, not the 8kk I have now. So clearly there was no typing error, the error is of another nature. Someone please check the logs on my account : player name TartaF ,account : tartaf(whitout prefix). It's not the first donation I make, and I want to know I am investing in something secure and safe and bugg free. Awaiting reply , Thanks in advance.
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