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  1. To begin with, I have read carefully and understood these two topics, which I post here so that everyone who participates in this discussion is informed: Project Rules Bot hunting! Will players's bot hunting be the only bot hunting action? Problem: Admin team is asksing for 90seconds minimum of 720p video to make a report. Frapsing this kind of video, in a place like fog, for example, is not going to be easy, uploading this video is also time-consuming. Too much effort needed for just one single report. What if I meet 3 or 4 botting chars while I am farming? Am I supposed to loose 80% of my xp/farm just to reprot these guys? This is going to be a drawback for non-botting players actually! Suggestion: Accept name reports, without requiring a video or even a screenshot. Check their logs, and see if they are using any 3rd party programs or not. What about not AFK botting? Problem: It is almost impossible to prove that someone is botting if he is not AFK. He can type, he can do some out-of-bot clicks just to show that his actions dont follow the same pattern while he will be wathing a movie on a 2nd screen or doing something else, close to his computer. Is this allowed? Suggestion: As previously, logs check after name report. Punishments! Most profit by botting comes from alt chars. Usually spellhowlers and spoilers. If someone is botting on his main char is usually for a more relaxed gameplay and not for profit. The two first times you will be caught botting, you can buy your freedom but the gear/farm on this char will have been deleted. The 3rd time, you get account ban. Problem: None of the punishments includes ban to main accounts! Or, at least, some investigation to check botting char's logs to find out and delete the profit botter has already transered to his main char. I know this is time consuming, but so does the kind of reports you ask us to do. Deleting items on bot -not main- accounts, even banning them doesnt counter botting on the server. The botting guy actually loses nothing as soon as he keeps his main char untouched. After 1 of hits bots gets banned, he will simply level a new one. Or maybe he will level many of them at once, so he wont bother if some of them get banned. Suggestion: Be more strict with punishments! Make them related to a botters main account/char. The sad truth is that in order for whole community to respect the rules and follow them, some main botters accounts must be banned. Hopefully, e-global project will be enormous, so you shouldnt hesitate to lose some botters in order to gain community's respect towards server's rules. As a player, I have heard that e-global has become kind of bot friendly server, which honestly dissapoints me. Having played many of e-global's servers i hope and believe these rumors will be proven wrong. Looking forward this project, lets have fun together and create a healthy gaming enviroment! No matter how difficult it may be, this server must not be like the others.
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