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  1. that isnt my movie :) My CL made great job see you on another servers of l2 world :)
  2. From the creators of: E-Global & Valhalla-Age Gracia Final x7 - "All community at one Gracia Final!" Grand opening: 10th September, at 20:00 (GMT +3) OBT starts: 3rd September, at 20:00 (GMT +3) Server time: GMT +1 Server platform: OFF-LIKE (Retail) Let's skip the formalities and get straight to the point. We don't think it's a good idea to provide you with the information as if it were some kind of obscure official document. In fact, all you need to know is: The main idea of the project; Where the development team wants to take the project. Who do you usually imagine, when you think about server admins? Administration team is just the people who create and maintain the servers. Let's be honest - it's a business, and the main goal of any business is to earn a profit. We are offering services to you, and you pay for them. It's the basis of any freeshard. It’s that simple. So let's discuss what free-shard market looks like in 2016. [spoiler=Click] The pace is constantly growing, and you have already learned every aspect of the game. You already “finished” the game, right? You are really Pro at it. The Administration teams of the servers have also improved at service delivery and the number of such services. You will surprise no one with a high quality server. However, we are glad to admit, that you will be enjoyably surprised by our products. We are setting very high standards, and we appreciate your trust. But let's get back to the market. Actually, there are 2 most efficient money-making niches: mid-rate Interlude and High Five. These servers have an average lifetime of about 2 weeks, and gain the most profit at the start. So the question I want to ask you: what if we look at this market from another angle? What if we invest in a long term goal? A server for many months of playing—a marathon instead of a sprint. A server that will not lose people after the first Heroes and the first epics. A server with the fights till the last soul/spirit shot, against the opponents who play just like you do. I bet it would force you to look at the game in a new way. It's not really profitable from the business perspective. It would be much easier for us to open several "High Five x1200" at the same cost. Another side of the coin is reputation. We all know that reputation is worth nothing today. There are so many server projects that drain the energy and revenue from you and shut down without any warning. Just like that. And the month later you can find them with another "GRAND OPENING", at the top of rating lists. And the worst thing is—it works. But we choose the other way. We are really in love with our work, and we hold ourselves accountable for our words. I wouldn't lie: usually it interferes with the business, but instead it gives us the priceless opportunity to be proud of what we do and what we have done. So what are we offering after all? "Shocking Opening of the Century"? No. But we are going to create an exciting and competitive Gracia world for a long time. The server that you would like to be a part of. The server that will inspire you to conquer and dominate! Attraction of the Top players, working with all well-known advertising platforms — we will work as hard as we can to expand the server life time. This is our main goal and we will make the maximum effort to make it real. To open the best and the most real Gracia Final. Just what you have been waiting for and what you wanted, nothing more. It's just what you are looking for when you start playing on a new server. We are confident that we can give you that. And as we already agreed – our goal is to build the server that you can call your home. [spoiler=Click] So why did we choose this chronicle and these rates? It's pretty simple, to be honest. It's a great combination оf how fun the end-game is, and how hard it is to get there. Even after a month of playing you will still have a lot to do. This chronicle is the most PvP oriented, and it's impossible to avoid it if you want to get to the top. Gracia Final has fewer dungeons, and to step to the next stage of your character evolution you will need to interact with other players. It's a really exciting and even cruel world. A world that combines the solo grinding with many group confrontations. A world that challenges you every day. Quests, Epics, Grand Olympiad, clan system and much more. Basically, it combines all the reasons why you play on free-shards, and why you play Lineage 2. We are good at bringing in an impressive number of players, you already know that. We’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and investments to master this skill. And now we are going to use our experience, knowledge, and funds to attract and invite the largest possible number of people who intend to play for a long time, just like you do. As we mentioned earlier, our main goal is to create a server with the longest lifetime possible, as long as you decide to play on it. Advertising campaign, bonus starter packs, constant development and upgrading of the game world and servers, including 24/7 player support. We are always open to hear from you, and willing to satisfy your requests and solve your problems, but at the same time we will be tough with those who violate the Rules. So what does it actually mean? This is a donation system that was designed to not interfere with the general game process, however, it will satisfy you no matter which playstyle you prefer. The prices and the selection of items will change during server life. It may not sound valuable if you never worked in Web development. But as a user you surely appreciate high quality and friendly interfaces. It feels good when it’s easy to use all the services; when the support service is always available, the store works even if your character is not in town area, you can gamble at the casino, use auction, receive the bonuses and control your character from just one page in your browser. New Personal Account is well-optimized and a pleasure to use. We are looking forward to hearing your opinion about it! There’s no one on this market who could guarantee 100% protection from the 3rd party software. The reason is that this is the way of making money for developers of such programs and they are really well-motivated to make it work properly. But we want to assure you that 99% of the free programs will not work on our server. We also have a Bot-hunter team, who will hunt down and block the 3rd party software users. This is a preliminary announcement and it's really informal – we are just sharing our thoughts. Thoughts about our dream. We went a long way to get to this dream, gaining experience, revenue, audience; we had our victories and our losses. Now we want to share our dream with you. More detailed server description going to be announced on August 18th. Stay tuned! "All community at one Gracia Final!"
  3. L2teamStorm


    Всем физкульт-привет от клана [L2team]! С сентября мы играем на Valhalla-age, остаемся верны ей и дальше! Приглашаем всех желающих поиграть с нами на этом проекте! Понятное дело, что на сервере будет очень много разных кланов, в том числе и более сильных! Но, у нас есть свои козыри. Опытный многолетний состав, удобный Тимспик, собственный модный сайт, адекватное отношение к вашему возрасту, к вашим игровым навыкам и особенностям вашего онлайна. Однозначно, мы не самый топовый клан, мы крепкий среднячек, и если ты играешь только ради победы - тебе не к нам. Мы не ищем глорихантеров. Мы в поисках игроков, на несколько лет вперед,которые хотят проходить с нами огонь, воду и медные трубы, развиваться вместе! Мы не ставим цель нагнуть всё и вся, но мы будем к этому стремиться! У нас есть опыт игры абсолютно во всех аспектах интерлюд-серверов. Мы уже нашли себе альянс на этот проект, и выстроили с алли-лидером план игры на несколько месяцев вперед! Именно на этом проекте, наш клан будет праздновать свой 9й день рождения, поэтому мы не собираемся падать в грязь лицом! Сервер будет достойным! Ведем набор конст-пачек как полных, так и недоформированых. Набираем соло игроков,желающих играть в команде и развиваться. Наш сайт - www.L2team.net Наша группа в ВК - https://vk.com/l2teamstyle Наши требования предельно просты: 1) Использование ТС как минимум на мероприятия. 2) Онлайн хотя бы 3-4 дня в неделю. 3) Посещение хотя бы 40% обязательных эвентов (обязательными считаются эвенты с 16-00 до 02-00 МСК), случаи где вы за пару дней предупредили об отсутствии - не считаются прогулом. 4) Для нон-конст игроков - наличие твинка или саба саппорта для подмены недостающих игроков на то или иное мероприятие. (Через 1.5 мес требование будет - саб саппорта) 5) Для всех игроков - наличие твинка на АК (42 лвл) будет обязательным со средины мая. Не умеете играть? - мы готовы помогать учиться, если действительно хотите! Вы чувствуете в себе силы быть ПЛом консты, но у вас нет людей? - Приходи к нам, мы поможем добрать пачку, выбрать план развития и идти вперед. Не смог найти себе консту? - давай к нам, у нас всегда есть с кем поиграть, часто вступают не полные пачки и добираются наши, всегда найдется место для адекватных игроков. У вас нет возможности держать жесткие праймы? - вы можете играть с нами без консты, выберите адекватную и гибкую профу, и по необходимости будете замещать отсутствующих игроков. Вам всегда найдется места на рейде или на каче. Вы хотите быть всегда на виду на сервере? - наш клан всегда заметен на осадах, эпиках. У нас много "фанатов", которые не скупяться на "комплименты". Так что играя в л2тим, о вас будут знать и помнить. Вы боитесь, что не потянете лоу-рейт? - Давайте попробуем вместе, если будете "проседать" по онлайну или просто потеряете интерес - уйти никогда не поздно! Мы клан с огромной вне-игровой жизнью, со сходками, с видео-конференциями, с выездами на море. Если ищешь настоящий коллектив - иди в L2team сам, и зови своих друзей. Решил играть с нами? Появились вопросы? Свяжись со мной - vk.com/l2teamstorm , skype: l2teamstorm, viber: +380634039923 или отпиши в ЛС на форуме! Набор по собеседованию со мной, или через заявки на форуме Мы ждем тебя в нашем коллективе! Ищем грамотных пати-лидеров! М- Мультики.
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