Goals and tasks of this stage

New Page
Embark on an exciting journey beyond the usual chronicles and locations! Discover new horizons and conquer uncharted peaks — updated items, skills & mechanics will change the balance of power!
MasterWork Locations
Explore and defeat monsters in the updated MasterWork locations. Solo players may focus on Mithril Mines, and players in strong groups will face a new challenge — the Archaic Laboratory.
Special Word
Time to Bring in Flugegeheimen! Complete the quest and get the legendary Eternal Weapons recipe. But remember — only the strongest will dare to tame its power!
Dungeons and Worms
Trasken is an Instance Zone where even the most experienced players face a difficult challenge! Assemble a strong team, defeat a giant monster and get valuable trophies and rewards!
Banner of the Winner
Sieges and Epic Bosses are the legendary events in the gaming world! Don't be a simple spectator — join a clan and participate in battles for glory, power and epic rewards!
Always on Time
It's never too late to start on MasterWork. Simplified levelling, starting bonuses, changes in experience in a group — all this and much more will allow you to dive into the active game. Adventures are already waiting!

Archaic Laboratory

Eighth major update

Seed of
Mithril Mines
Forbidden Gateway
Archaic Laboratory
Seed of Annihilation
Lair of Antharas

Mithril Mines

80-85 LVL
  • MasterWork Update
  • Eternal Weapon Quest
Suitable for:
  • Solo players
  • High Attribute Attack
Valuable loot:
  • Eternal Weapon Parts
  • New Enchant Scrolls
  • Goddess Blood Drops
  • Vesper Weapons and Armor

Forbidden Gateway

80-85 LVL
  • MasterWork Update
  • Eternal Weapon Quest
  • Updated Themis Bos
Suitable for:
  • Solo players
  • Small groups
  • Full groups
  • High Attribute Attack
Unique mechanics:
  • Location is active only at game night
  • Goddess Blood Vessels to enhance monsters
  • Elite Monsters
Valuable loot:
  • Eternal Weapon Parts
  • New Enchant Scrolls
  • Vesper and Vorpal Armor

Archaic Laboratory

80-85 LVL
  • MasterWork Update
  • High-Level Monsters
  • Eternal Weapon Quest
Suitable for:
  • Full Groups
  • Small groups
  • High Attribute Attack
  • High P. and M. Atk.
Valuable loot:
  • Eternal Weapon Parts
  • New Enchant Scrolls
  • Mid S84 Weapons
  • Vorpal Armor

Seed of Annihilation

84-85 LVL
  • No Seed Cycle Change
  • Reworked Monster Spawns
  • Increased Number of Monsters
  • Increased Vulnerability of Monsters
Suitable for:
  • Small groups
  • Full groups
  • High Attribute Attack
  • Very Strong P. and M. Atk.
  • High Resistance to Negative Effects
Valuable loot:
  • Attribute Stones and Crystals
  • High-Level Resources
  • Large Amount of Adena
  • Vesper Drop and Spoil

Lair of Antharas

84-85 LVL
  • Reworked monster spawns
  • Increased the size of caves
  • Increased the number of monsters
Suitable for:
  • Small groups
  • Full groups
  • High Attribute Attack
  • HP increased
  • High P. and M. Atk.
Valuable loot:
  • Forgotten Scrolls
  • Vesper Drop and Spoil
  • Vorpal Drop
  • Mid S84 Weapon Quest
Mithril Mines
Forbidden Gateway
Archaic Laboratory
Seed of Annihilation
Lair of Antharas

Features of the new season

game tempo

On MasterWork, rates are dynamic and based on the season stage. After each update, levelling up at the initial levels becomes easier. That allows you to start at any time and play at any pace - you will quickly reach the current level and join the big game.


The mission system will help you develop throughout the season and always show you the proper path. Complete game activities and get extra experience, game currency and other valuable rewards. There is always something to do at MasterWork.

locations and RB

Updated locations on MasterWork are intended for full groups, and an expanded list of RB will allow all groups to test their power. Fight monsters and other groups to get a lot of experience, resources and equipment.

the game

The developers introduce new features that make the game more comfortable and enjoyable. The client improvements and high FPS are worth noting. The server can handle many players in a small location. The innovations of the season are Beauty Shop and Assistance Manager.

Fire, Water
and Eternity

Two game worlds are available At the start of the season, with their histories written. In the middle of the season, players will encounter a merge of game worlds for a battle between players from different servers. The next stage is merging with the Eternal server and confronting players from previous seasons.

Open: 0 / 5

On MasterWork, each
class "played" in a new way

No doubt, a masterful rework of skills


Each class from the Warrior archetype is relevant and universal while keeping its authenticity — the Tyrant did not turn into a Gladiator, and the Blacksmith into a Warlord. It became easier for Warriors to survive, catch the opponent, and find a place in the group. On MasterWork, these classes are strong in all game aspects.

  • Gladiator
  • Warlord
  • Destroyer
  • Tyrant
  • Blacksmith


On MasterWork, the tank remains an essential and versatile group member at every stage. The "icon" skills are tiered and available starting from level 60 but available in the Olympiad at level 83. Because of enemy control skills, the tank provides vital protection for the group, offering a significant strategic advantage.

  • Paladin
  • Dark Avenger
  • Eva's Knight
  • Shillien's Knight


Archer levelling is now more dynamic due to the rework of mass skill and the key skills at lower levels. Combat skills now have an attribute enchant branch, allowing greater customization. Archers adapt to various groups, aided by effective counter-skills. The reworked abilities, with new sets bonuses, make archers more versatile and resilient in PvP battles.

  • Hawkeye
  • Silver ranger
  • Phantom ranger


Assassins on MasterWork significantly reworked, enhancing their effectiveness in group play while holding their power in the late game. They now boast two AoE skills for levelling and mass PvP, delivering substantial damage boosted by various effects. Improved Ultimate Evasion (UE) and several new skills increased their survivability in large-scale battles.

  • Treasure hunter
  • Plains walker
  • Abyss walker
  • Bounty Hunter


Mage classes have Elemental Skills that match the class Element. The attribute system allows mages to increase elemental damage by up to 40% in the late game. A new class — Geomancer, an Earth mage. He is highly protected, able to restore health and weaken the enemy over time.

  • Sorcerer
  • Necromancer
  • Spellsinger
  • Spellhowler
  • Terramancer


On MasterWork, each summoner class received transformations with the skills of an archer, assassin, knight or mage and a unique buff. At high levels, the transformation does not recall the summoned servant.Kai the Cat, Merrow the Unicorn and Soulless received the ability to deal damage with auto attacks to several enemies at once.

  • Warlock
  • Elemental Summoner
  • Phantom Summoner


On MasterWork, healers received the ability to comfortably level up alone and deal additional damage in a group. New attack skills allow you to fight monsters effectively but do not deal damage in PvP. Some skills of the third profession are divided into levels and learned much earlier, increasing the healer's effectiveness in battle.

  • Bishop
  • Elven Elder
  • Shillien Elder


Buffers increase the group viability with additional healing skills, new combo effects, and a PvP rebuff. High-level skills are divided into several tiers and learned earlier. Prophets can buff the entire group at once. Buffers can effectively farm solo, using the wolf or combat transformations.

  • Prophet
  • Warcryer
  • Overlord


Bard is the most interesting class on MasterWork. Dances and songs are combined into rhythms that are equal for both classes. At the same time, there is a difference in key skills- Rhythm of Medusa / Rhythm of Silence and Dance of the Berserker / Song of Purification. The combined effects of bards allow you to take an additional damage dealer to the group. Bards may be an extra tank or a universal damage dealer.

  • Swordsinger
  • Bladedancer


The Inspector can now become a full-fledged main class and participate in the Olympiad. The Steal Divinity skill is weaker by default but grows as the character develops. Male and female Soul Breakers have separate classes in the Grand Olympiad. Berserker skills have a chance to do critical damage.

  • Berserker
  • Soul Breaker
  • Arbalester
  • Inspector
Button for Limits and PvP. The character gains immortality and resistance to debuffs. When the effect ends, the HP level decreases.
Armor Destruction
When attacking, impose a weakness to fist-weapon on the target, up to 5 stacks.
Pain for Gain
Destroyer and Tyrant
Skills for Limits. Reduces your HP and prohibits healing. The skill can be enchanted.
Golem Armor
Transformation into a Battle Golem. Skill improved. Skill level 1 is at character level 79. Cooldown reduced, duration increased. Some skills can be used in transformation.
Forge Guardian
Passive skill. When using a Blunt Weapon, increase P. Atk. and P. Crit. Rate. When dealing damage, trigger an effect that increases P. Crit. Damage. The skill can be enchanted.
Mechanist Spirit
Selfbuff. Increases Atk. Spd. When using a Blunt weapon. When dealing damage with Blunt Weapon skills, trigger an effect that increases P. Skill Power. The skill can be enchanted.
Provoke Aura
All knights
Aura that provokes monsters at medium range. Skill for effectively collecting non-aggressive monsters. Do not work in PvP.
Royal Sacrifice
All knights
Targeted "Party UD" with a quick reload to protect an ally. Increases the P. and M. Def. of ally and transfers incoming damage to self.
Combat Aura
All knights
Aura of a tank to strengthen all party members and the tank. Useful in any group. Increases the incoming healing, speed and physical and magical damage.
Incredible Endurance
All knights
When receiving damage, increases the tank's combat stats for a short time and stacks several times. The increased stats are unique for each tank class.
Shield of Faith
All knights
Increases Physical and Magical Defence of party members and transfers part of the received damage back to the tank. Available at level 58.
Flame Icon and analogues
All knights
Icons are a series of skills that strengthen the tank and all party members and are unique for each tank class. Become available at level 60 and does not require charging.
Swift Rift
All archers
Skill for breaking the distance. Teleports back while increasing the attack range and imposing a slowdown effect on the character.
Multiple Shot
All archers
A skill with high damage to multiple enemies in front. Critical Atk. is possible.
Snipe and analogues
All archers
All archers' self-buffs were improved. Each buff now provides more bonuses and has a reduced penalty.
Counter Snipe Shot
Increases bow shooting range, accuracy and evasion. Reduces skill use time for the character and all party members.
Counter Rapid Shot
Silver Ranger
Increases Atk. Spd. with bow and crossbow. Reduces the recharge time for Physical and Magic skills for the character and party members.
Counter Power Shot
Phantom Ranger
Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Increases skill damage in PvP and PvE for the character and party members.
Exciting Adventure and Analogues
Treasure hunter, Plains walker, Abyss walker
The skill has 2 levels. Level 1 is available at character level 79. The unique buff works on all party members, which significantly strengthens the party in PvP.
Coin Flip
Bounty Hunter
Flips a coin and buffs party members to Attack or Defense. Due to the new skill, the character will become a useful party member in all game activities.
Coup De Grace
Bounty Hunter
Selfbuff: When equipped with a Dagger or Dual Daggers, increases Speed and the P. Critical Damage. Upon dealing damage, it activates a trigger that decreases Skills Hit Time. The skill can be enchanted.
Reverse Mana Flow
All assassins
Restores a significant amount of MP when killing a player in PvP.
Razor Rain
All assassins
Skill for levelling on trains and mass PvP. Deal damage to surrounding enemies and can deal critical damage.
Illusion Immersion
All assassins
Provides full immunity to negative effects and a chance to dodge Physical and Magical skills for a short time. Available for use at reduced HP.
Mage Attention
Increases skill casting range and M. Def., decrease spell interrupt rate, but decreases the caster's P. Def. and Speed.
Fire Vortex and analogues
All Mages
Skill with strong negative effects and high single-target magic damage. Helps to win 1v1 fights or weaken a key character of the enemy group.
Fire Vortex Buster and analogues
All Mages
A skill with high single-target damage. Cancels the enemy target. Can be used only in combination with Vortex. One of the strongest skills in terms of M. Atk.
Surrender to Fire and analogues
All Mages
Skill reworked. Enchanting the skill significantly reduces the target's resistance to the attribute. Removes the attribute resistance from the target.
Seed of Fire and analogues
All wizards
Self-buff that increases Attribute Attack. Skills are improved. Enchanting provides additional Attribute damage. Significantly increases damage when used in combination with Attribute Stones and Surrender skills.
Cyclone and similar
All wizards
Deals high attribute damage to enemies in the area. During the cast, the character is unable to move.
Transformation into an archetype
All summoners
Transforms into a knight/archer/assassin/wizard and grants specialized skills. When learning a level 2, the servant does not disappear when using transformation.
Spirit of the Cat and analogues
All summoners
The skill has 2 levels. Level 1 is available without a book at character level 79. Transformation skills strengthened during the progress. The duration increased, and the cooldown was reduced.
Summon Feline King and analogues
All summoners
All summons may attack several targets at once
Servitor Share
All summoners
A skill that transfers some of the summoner's stats to the servant. As the skill level increases, the effectiveness rises significantly.
Aqua Swirl and analogues
All summoners
An attacking magic skill that develops further after receiving a second profession.
Excessive Loyalty
All summoners
A buff skill. When the summoner takes damage, it increases the servant's attack stats.
Divine Punishment
All healers
Holy attributed single target magical nuke. Do not cause damage in PvP. The skill allows to kill monsters without using a transformation.
Prophecy of Water and analogues
Elven Elder and Shillien Elder
The skill has 2 levels. Level 1 is available at character level 70.
Balance Life
One of the core skills of the Bishop. It equalizes the HP of all party members, allowing you to effectively heal a large amount of HP in a short period.
Chain Heal
All healers
Restores the target's HP and up to 3 allies around the target who have received the most damage. Available to learn at level 56, the skill's power increases with the skill level.
Time Lapse
Elven Elder
Reduces the duration of all negative effects. The skill can be used on a selected target.
Sublime Self-Sacrifice
Restores CP/HP/MP to surrounding allies and grants invulnerability. Available at early levels. The skill becomes stronger as the level increases.
Ritual of Preserve
The caster spends his HP to create a damage-absorbing barrier around the target party member.
Ritual of Clearance
Removes one negative effect from the selected party member.
Seal of Limit
The skill has 3 levels. Level 1 is available at character level 79. The skill is strengthened as the level increases.
Unity of Pa'agrio
Depending on the number of party members nearby reduces the MP consumption of the caster's Physical and Magical skills.
Curse of Pa'agrio
When used, there is a chance to apply a certain number of Overlord's negative effects on the target and nearby enemies.
Improved Condition and analogues
All Buffers
All combo buffs are available from character level 68. Each class has received an expanded list of combo buffs. Some classes received missing buffs in the combo form.
Rhythm of Clarity
All bards
Combines the effects of songs on MP Recovery, MP Consumption and Skill Cooldown.
Rhythm of Dominance
All bards
Combines the effects of dance on M. Crit. and song on MP Consumption of Physical Skills and Rhythms, Cooldown Time of Physical Skills and Rhythms.
Bard's Decoy
All Bards
The Bard creates a Lure that provokes nearby monsters.
Rhythm of Medusa
Available at lower levels. Turns nearby enemies into stone.
Rhythm of Silence
Available at early levels. Blocks Physical and Magical skills for surrounding enemies.
Symbol of Noise
All bards
Cancels the effects of Rhythms on enemies in the target area. You must be inside the target area to extend the effect.
Sub classes without restrictions
All Kamael
Kamael can take any class in the game as a subclass. You can create a dream character, like Kamael Gladiator with duals in heavy, Kamael Hawk with a bow, or Kamael healer in a robe.
Rush Impact
A skill for dealing mass damage and control. Has a base 15% chance to deal critical damage with x2 power. The chance depends on the STR.
Enuma Elish
The skill is enhanced. Knocks back enemies and interrupts the use of skills and the selected target. Has a 15% chance of dealing critical damage with x2 strength. The chance depends on the STR.
Steal Divinity
Soul Breaker
The skill is weakened in its basis but boosted in the later stages. Steals up to 4 buffs and up to 8 buffs when enchanted.
Lightning Barrier
Soul Breaker, Judicator
When receiving melee damage, there is a chance to paralyze the enemy.
Spite and analogues
Improved debuff chance. Improved skill enchant branches.

Wait, there's more

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