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О Fikmen

  • День рождения 05/09/1992


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Fikmen's Achievements

  1. Fikmen

    KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]

    add cakes after a few days. And consider boost "get a pet" quest plz
  2. Fikmen

    KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]

    lower the xp they give? how xD? Can't imagine that. Much easier is add cakes after 1 month
  3. Fikmen

    KE drop/ Cake prices [Waiting for answer]

    remove cakes for first month at least ;)
  4. Fikmen

    vol 2 of OP pet's

    it's already removed, chill
  5. Fikmen

    Grand Opening - September 10! - Prepare for Battle!

    Small suggestion, boost "Get a pet" quest, at least x2
  6. Fikmen

    Fariy Princess

    that's right, they should remove cakes at start also and will be perfect ;d
  7. Fikmen

    Fariy Princess

    Remove cakes and vitamin pets then server will be good ;)
  8. henio is right, remove cakes, it gives 2big advantage for donators, after 2 days all of them will reach 80lvl
  9. Fikmen

    Grand Opening - September 10! - Prepare for Battle!

    Everything is okey, except the cakes... remove it
  10. Fikmen

    PR-event "Gracia Final for everyone"

    1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles? One of the best chronicles, can't get everything solo like in h5 and more things to do than in IL. 2. What do you expect from the new server? Having fun, met old friends, huge international community, good antibot 3. Why did you choose to join our project? I have been waiting for good GF server for a long time. Good memories from e-global IL project.
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